
Saturday Apr 29, 2017
Episode 44 - Operation Beifong / Kuvira’s Gambit
Saturday Apr 29, 2017
Saturday Apr 29, 2017
It’s the ante-penultimate episode of The Avatar Returns and the boys are a little punch drunk. Paul shares a Star Wars/The Legend of Korra mashup that goes over like a lead balloon; Arlo makes a Thelma Schoonmaker joke that gets crickets for a response; and Eric makes a Step Up All In reference that goes completely over Arlo’s head. Oh, and there are chapters to discuss, too. In 410, “Operation Beifong,” it gets all Paul Simony with a genuine mother and child reunion between Toph and Lin, while Opal introduces us to Juicy (yeah, Juicy), and Bolin eats noodles like a boss. And in chapter 411, “Kuvira’s Gambit,” the Great Uniter has herself a Megazord, and Meelo has gas. (Hashtag Defend the Fart.)
As a particularly sad bonus, this episode features the very last time Arlo will get to make predictions based on upcoming chapter titles. The end of an era.
Next: all good things must come to an end as chapters 412, “Day of the Colossus” and 413, “The Last Stand” put a punctation mark on The Legend of Korra. But will it be a question mark or an exclamation point? Tune in and find out.
- Intro / Banter (00:00 - 07:30)
- Main Topic (07:30 - 1:17:08)
- Outro / Next (1:17:08 - 1:22:50)

Thursday Apr 20, 2017
Episode 43 - Reunion / Remembrances / Beyond the Wilds
Thursday Apr 20, 2017
Thursday Apr 20, 2017
The Avatar Returns phone tree has been activated and we’re answering the call as we head into the back half of The Legend of Korra Book Four. In chapter 407, “Reunion,” the band is back together…mostly. And it feels so good…mostly. Wu is down; Korra and Mako are on each others nerves; and Bolin lavabends the taste right out of some mecha suit mouths. In 408, “Remembrances,” cue the twinkling flashback music as, you guessed it Golden Girls, it’s a clip show. But oh what a glorious clip show it is! Chibi Mako tells his romantic origin story to Chibi Wu; Korra and Asami share some tea and reminisce; and Varrick shares the tale of the Greatest Mover Ever Made! And finally, in 409, we journey “Beyond the Wilds” to poke things with sticks while Korra finally confronts her inner demons, which bear a striking resemblance to a hippie prison sage Zaheer.
However the bulk of our discussion tonight focuses on the hundreds of possible spin-off properties we hosts are dying to see in the future, including the possible Varrick/Bolin road movies, the anarchist PSA’s of Zaheer, and the “Fearsome Foursome Phone Tree Saga!” (We also talk a little about the new Mystery Science Theater 3000 revival and the anime juggernaut that is Your Name. But really it’s all about that phone tree.)
Next: the penultimate episode of our show discussions. Only two more podcasts focused on The Legend of Korra before we put a bow on the whole TARP project with our big blowout wrap party episode. So next week we’ll be looking at chapters 410, “Operation Beifong,” and 411, “Kuvira’s Gambit.”
- Intro / Banter (00:00 - 15:00)
- Main Topic (15:00 - 1:29:00)
- Outro / Next (1:29:00 - 1:34:05)

Friday Mar 31, 2017
Episode 42 - The Calling / Enemy At the Gates / Battle of Zaofu
Friday Mar 31, 2017
Friday Mar 31, 2017
This week on The Avatar Returns, it’s a Badass Bender Beatdown as The Legend of Korra Book Four continues. In this corner, wearing the simple green tunic, the Ever-Lovin’ Blue-Eyed Avatar (we still have one of those?), Korra! And in this corner, sporting a stylish Earth Empire ensemble of death metal, dancin' and singin' and movin' to the groovin', the Great Uniter herself, Kuvira!
But first we take a road trip with the Air Kids in chapter 404, “The Calling” as Aang’s grandkids finally get the spotlight. And Toph proves why she’s a master storyteller. Then in chapter 405, “Enemy at the Gates,” Zhu Li does the mecha suit thing better than anyone else, and poor dim Bolin slooooooowly starts to figure stuff out. And finally, in chapter 406, “Battle of Zaofu,” Kuvira smacks the taste right outta Korra’s mouth. LET’S GET READY TO RUMBLE!
Paul murders Cousin Oliver after only one week. Eric murders a decades-old Brady Bunch meme. And Arlo murders any sense of even the most basic professionalism and respect for our audience. (Turn off your damn phone notifications, you ass!)
Next: for hopefully the very last time we take a week off to catch our breath. You guys just don’t understand how difficult it is to sit still for two hours once a week and talk into a microphone about things that we love passionately. It’s exhausting and just way too much to expect us pampered podcasters to pull off with any kind of consistency. So we’ll take one last pause in the action to prepare ourselves for an uninterrupted run through to the end. Back the week of April 12th we will be discussing The Legend of Korra chapters 407, “Reunion,” 408, “Remembrances,” and 409, “Beyond the Wilds.”
- Intro / Banter (00:00 - 14:40)
- Main Topic (14:40 - 1:21:40)
- Outro / Next (1:21:40 - 1:25:21)

Sunday Mar 26, 2017
Episode 41 - After All These Years / Korra Alone / The Coronation
Sunday Mar 26, 2017
Sunday Mar 26, 2017
Book Four: Balance begins as we move into the final season of The Legend of Korra. Time jumps in fiction tend to be something of a mixed bag, but as our story picks up three years after the end of Book Three it quickly becomes apparent the device works like a charm here, in what Arlo dubs the strongest start to any season in the entire Avatar Universe. In chapter 401, “After All These Years,” Korra is missing and former Zaofu Captain of the Guard Kuvira has become “The Great Uniter,” using military force to bring order to the chaos in the Earth Kingdom in the wake of the Queen’s death. Chapter 402, “Korra Alone” answers where exactly the Avatar has disappeared to, and why. (Hint: it involved Nega-Korra.) And finally it’s Toph love in chapter 403, “The Coronation” as the O.B. Original Beifong returns to go all Yoda on Korra’s ass.
Paul introduces the podcast’s version of Cousin Oliver. He and Eric both wax rhapsodic about Star Wars Rebels. And Arlo compares Mako to Vin Diesel. Not in a good way. (IS there a good way?)
Next: the next three chapters of Book Four; 404, “The Calling,” 405, “Enemy at the Gates,” and 406, “The Battle of Zaofu.”
- Intro / Banter (00:00 - 15:20)
- Main Topic (15:20 - 1:42:53)
- Outro / Next (1:42:53 - 1:46:23)

Sunday Mar 19, 2017
Episode 40 - Smoke and Shadow
Sunday Mar 19, 2017
Sunday Mar 19, 2017
This week, a break between seasons of The Legend of Korra means a return to the days of old as we look at the fourth collection of the Dark Horse Comics Avatar: The Last Airbender series, Volume 4: Smoke and Shadow. Having reunited with his long lost mother Ursa, Zuko returns with her to the Fire Nation Capital City (which really needs a name) and wackiness ensues, some of which serves to remind us that Avatar has actually really always been the Zuko Show. Even with mom back in the picture daddy (and uncle) issues continue to dominate the story. Mai, Ty Lee, and Suki finally get some much-needed page time, even as we lose Katara and Sokka (and the comic relief that Sokka provides). We discuss how relevant this volume feels today with its look at totalitarianism and the struggle to balance security and freedom. And Azula is back and feelin’ good with a brand new Sisterhood of Evil Mental Patients in tow.
Speaking of character development, Arlo finally achieves his own Avatar State as a podcaster. And Eric makes a Hamilton reference! I’m Paul Smith and you’re listening to All Benders Considered on NPR.*
(*) Not really, but…yeah.
Next: the end is coming. This is it, we begin our exploration of the final season of The Legend of Korra with Book Four: Balance. We’re kicking it off with chapters 401, “After All These Years,” 402, “Korra Alone,” and 403, “The Coronation.” (And we are so deeply, deeply sorry for Arlo’s predictions on what those episodes will be about.)
- Intro / Banter (00:00 - 08:15)
- LISTENER MAIL! (08:15 - 18:30)
- Main Topic (18:30 - 2:08:08)
- Outro / Next (2:08:08 - 2:13:00)

Friday Mar 03, 2017
Friday Mar 03, 2017
This is a big one, kids. Team The Avatar Returns assembles to breakdown their thoughts on the final four chapters of The Legend of Korra, Book Three: Change. There’s a lot to cover, starting with the typical children’s television tropes of on-camera assassinations and Boxer Rebellions when Zaheer proclaims “Long Live the Queen” in chapter 310. In 311, “Ultimatum,” he may possibly have bitten off more than he can chew when he challenges Tenzin to a slap fight after airbending school. Bolin learns that the answers were inside of him all along in 312, “Enter the Void.” And Korra She-Hulks out all over Zaheer’s face in the final showdown of 313, “Venom of the Red Lotus.”
Paul gets weepy over the incredible fight choreography this season. Eric is positively giddy with anticipation for Book Four: Balance. And Arlo drops the knowledge we’ve all needed about Shadow the Hedgehog.
Next: as always the break between seasons of Korra gives us another opportunity to revisit old friends by exploring the official Avatar: The Last Airbender graphic novel series from Dark Horse Comics. This time we reconnect with the Aang Gang as they face Vol. 4 - Smoke and Shadow.
- Main Topic (00:00 - 1:57:10)
- Outro / Next (1:57:10 - 2:00:03)

Friday Feb 10, 2017
Episode 38 - Original Airbenders / The Terror Within / The Stakeout
Friday Feb 10, 2017
Friday Feb 10, 2017
Welcome back, Nuktukkers! This week on The Avatar Returns we’re throwing a good old fashioned Zaofu pajama party! We’ve got fresh Kalenutsco smoothies, air bison steaks, a game of Chekhov’s Pebble, and Bolin dolls for everyone. Oh, and chapters of The Legend of Korra to discuss. We ease into things with 307, “Original Airbenders,” which features that adorable little psychopath Milo winning hearts and minds, and begins the official Book Three #TattooWatch. Then in 308, “The Terror Within,” Zaheer and the older kids crash the party and try to bring us down, while in 309, “The Stakeout” Pabu finally breaks the UPST (Unresolved Pai Sho Tension) between Bolin and Asami.
Is Zaheer a Mary Sue? Is Mako boring and useless? Are Paul and Eric drinking the Red Lotus Kool-Aid? Tune in to learn this and so much more!
Next: yet another buy week in the schedule as an unidentified member of our team goes off for a walkabout. When we return we’ll be taking on chapters 310, “Long Live the Queen,” and 311, “The Ultimatum.”
- Intro / Banter (00:00 - 18:35)
- Main Topic (18:35 - 1:41:50)
- Outro / Next (1:41:50 - 1:46:34)

Friday Jan 20, 2017
Episode 37 - In Harm’s Way / The Metal Clan / Old Wounds
Friday Jan 20, 2017
Friday Jan 20, 2017
Benders and non-benders rejoice, The Avatar Returns is back like Varrick! We’ve been lost in the Spirit Wilds for longer than any of us care to think about, but we fought our way out, through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, to be here with you tonight as we continue at last our exploration of Nickelodeon’s award-winning Prison Break reboot, also known as The Legend of Korra, Book Three. Picking up right where we left off nearly four months(?!) ago we discuss chapter 304, “In Harm’s Way,” which sees our heroes casually violating the sovereignty of a foreign nation to free some new airbenders. Then we get serious with chapters 305, “The Metal Clan” and 306, “Old Wounds,” which takes us to a brand new location, the shining city on the hill (actually it’s in a valley) Zaofu, home of, you guessed it, the Metal Clan. Also home to Lin Beifong’s estranged half-sister Suyin. The family drama gets thick.
Thrill to the adventures of Zaofu’s own action acupuncturist! Cheer as the Earth Queen sneezes till her internal organs fall out! Ponder the intricacies of inflection! (Is it combustion lady POWERS or combustion LADY powers?)
Next: our long hiatus left us weak and out of shape, and all this heavy podcasting has really taken it out of us. So we’re taking another (much MUCH shorter) break before returning in two weeks for chapters 307, “Original Airbenders,” 308, “The Terror Within,” and 309, “The Stakeout.”
- Intro / Banter (00:00 - 15:05)
- Main Topic (15:05 - 1:33:00)
- Outro / Next (1:33:00 - 1:37:04)

Thursday Sep 29, 2016
Hiatus Announcement
Thursday Sep 29, 2016
Thursday Sep 29, 2016
All great journeys have their obstacles, detours or delays. For Avatar: The Last Airbender it was a literal hole in the ground known as "The Great Divide." For The Legend of Korra, let's be honest, it was an entire character named Unalaq. And for The Avatar Returns it's that old hobgoblin known as the real world. Circumstances outside of our control have left us with no choice but to take a temporary break in our recording schedule. This one will be a bit longer than our previous little hiccups, as we won't be returning till mid-January 2017 (!!!), but I want to emphasize the words 'temporary' and 'returning' because we will most definitely be back. You have our word, once we clear these spirit vines out of the way and kick this so-called real world's butt into submission, The Avatar Returns will return!

Thursday Sep 22, 2016
Episode 36 - A Breath of Fresh Air / Rebirth / The Earth Queen
Thursday Sep 22, 2016
Thursday Sep 22, 2016
Change is in the air as The Avatar Returns returns from our month-long walkabout with discussion of the first three chapters in The Legend of Korra Book Three. Gone are the days of meandering plot threads and questionable kaiju choices. We’re right back into genuine character building, socio-philosophical quandaries, and thrilling Studio Mir action sequences. In chapter 301, “A Breath of Fresh Air,” Korra and Team Avatar are still trying to pick up the pieces after the paradigm shift of Harmonic Convergence, but they’ve got more on their plates than just some pesky spirit vines as new airbenders begin popping up for the first time in nearly two centuries. And we get a new villain that is already a thousand times more interesting than Unalaq in just his first few minutes of screen time. Chapter 302, “Rebirth” sees our intrepid heroes set out on a journey to gather up new airbenders in an effort to rebuild the nearly extinct Air Nation, but all they end up with is an annoying kid. Oh, and Zuko’s back! And finally chapter 303 introduces us to “The Earth Queen,” the lovely, mild-mannered successor to old King What’s-his-name-with-the-bear. She hates animals and is building a secret airbender army for the Earth Kingdom, so you know…she’s lovely.
Henry Rollins is perfectly voice-cast, but it may take some time for us to accept that. The Dai Li return, so Eric’s excited. And Arlo hates Napoleon Dynamite.
Next: three more tales to thrill! Chapters 304-306, “In Harm’s Way,” “The Metal Clan,” and “Old Wounds.”
- Intro / Banter (00:00 - 20:20)
- Main Topic (20:20 - 1:44:50)
- Outro / Next (1:44:50 - 1:47:28)